Join President and CEO of Ground Penetrating Radar Systems (GPRS), Matt Aston, for his upcoming live-stream podcast interview with Mission Matters hosted by Adam Torres.
Click here to RSVP on LinkedIn to attend.

Mission Matters is a podcast that highlights the business world’s best thinkers, movers, and shakers.
Matt Aston, GPRS’s founder, laid the groundwork for the business’s fantastic culture. Matt brings a wealth of knowledge we can all benefit from.
He started GPRS 20 years ago, which has grown into the multimillion-dollar business it is today. But it wasn’t always this way; here’s an excerpt about the origins of GPRS from a previous interview he gave:
“Prior to stopping by the job site, I had done one job scanning for post-tension cables. I think I had done three tiny jobs in total in the company’s history. Total revenue billed by GPRS before this was about $4,000. We were not paying the bills. And my patient wife was getting nervous about the idea of GPRS as a business. It was a low point. To be honest, even after this job, I continued to wonder if GPRS was a viable business for the first five years of its existence.”
GPRS grew from an uncertain beginning to the powerhouse it is today. You won’t want to miss this exciting interview. Again, RSVP for the interview this Thursday 12/09, at 9:15 am PST, on LinkedIn and subscribe to the event on YouTube. Follow Mission Matters on Facebook to get a reminder